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Home / Support / Product Updates and Drivers / ProAnalyst Client

ProAnalyst Client Product Update

This is a free product update.
You must be a registered user and have a ProAnalyst Client security key to update.

1. Complete the form below.
2. Click 'Accept.'
3. Save the file to a hard drive.
4. Browse to the file location.
5. Double-click on the file name
6. Follow on-screen instructions.
7. If upgrading, select 'Repair'.

By downloading software from the Xcitex web site, you agree to the terms of our end user license agreement. Please read it before downloading.

For legal reasons, Xcitex must record who downloads our software. Your personal information will not be distributed to any third party. For more details, please see our privacy policy.

Step 1. Please enter the following information:

Items marked with * are required.

Name: *
E-Mail: *
Address 1: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *

Step 2. In order to download this product, you must accept this License Agreement:

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End of Support for ProAnalyst v1 (legacy versions) has arrived

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